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Ensemble Global Gongs

Gongs - Gathering - Cantos

Ensemble Global Gongs is an amateur company that was established to provide the music for theGlobal Gatherings. In this initiative, Sinta Wullur connects newly composed music with lectures and/or performances, which are based on the themeIdentity and Connection. Afterwards there is an opportunity to chat. 

Special for theGlobal Gatherings zet Sinta texts, poems and writings set to music, which correspond to the specific themes of thegatherings. These compositions together form theGlobal Cantos,which will appear in different parts.

On October 1, 2021, during the Minimal Music Festival in the Orgelpark Amsterdam, Ensemble Global Gongs will perform the first performance of Deze Global cantos. In addition, the reprise of the monumental compositionGame​lanklok, in collaboration with soloists Ned McGowan on bass flute and Rutger van Ree on djembe, and the Dutch premiere of the virtuoso minimal music compositionpoleng

Ensemble Global Gongs receives the Cultuurmakers subsidy from the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts. 

Global Cantosreceives subsidy from the Buma investment fund. 

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